The Maine Shakeout
Running partners, turned close friends, Lindsey and Andrea share their running experience from two different perspectives. Lindsey, an avid runner in her mid 30s, is a local high school track and cross country coach, and has a passion for nutrition and technical aspects of the sport. Andrea, a mom of three teen athletes, is approaching her 50s, enjoys running and endurance sports even though her body is starting to object a bit more vehemently. Join them as they talk about running, food, local legends and every day athletes of Northern Maine.
The Maine Shakeout
Andrea Oldenburg- Who is she? Part 2
Where is part 2 you might wonder? Here it is. Andrea Oldenburg, the co-host of "The Maine Shakeout" becomes the interviewee. Andrea was raised in Connecticut but has embraced her life as a "Mainer," for this has been her home for quite some time. She has spent the last few decades perfecting her craft for endurance sports and life itself. This woman can do it all. She is the real MVP when it comes to toughness which makes her the best training partner. Join us as we chat about her upbringing and what makes this superwoman tick.